Automatic Software UpdaterNEWUpdates the most critical programs on your PC to plug security holes and fix bugs.
Unlimited InstallsNEWInstall AVG TuneUp on every PC in your household.
Software UninstallerNEWGets rid of bloatware and adware bogging down your PC.
Tuning dashboardNEWA brand-new UI that makes tuning up easier.
Full Windows 10 supportNEWFull support for Windows 10 and all future versions.
History ManagerNEWGives you a complete log of your past optimizations.
Continuous updatesWe’ll give you all the essential updates and security patches.
Disk & Browser CleanupIMPROVEDCleans up 200+ apps and now supports the latest browsers and programs.
Speedup technologyIMPROVEDA drastically improved Sleep Mode to boost performance even further.
Automatic MaintenanceIMPROVEDCleans and speeds up PCs, as well as deleting treacherous tracking cookies once per week.
Support status: End of lifeTuneUp Utilities no longer receives bugfixes or critical updates.
Disk & Browser CleanupCleans up more than 100 applications and browsers.
Speed upSpeeds up your PC using Sleep Mode.
ManintenanceCleans up and speeds up your PC.
Our tool will work on latest mobile platforms also. Have TuneUp Utilities, or trying to get it? Then you’re in the right place: because on top of updating the name, we’ve completely re-engineered the TuneUp you know and love, and packed in all-new features. AVG tuneup utilities 2018 2019 license key serial has WINDOWS OS AND MAC OS SUPPORT. Everything you love about TuneUp Utilities ® plus so much more: New-and-improved TuneUp Utilities: now called AVG TuneUp. Speed up, clean up, and fix up all your PCs with the